All Classes and Interfaces

The Adapter interface provides a way to map Java objects to a specific SQL data type and perform the necessary conversions when binding the objects to a PreparedStatement.
The AdapterMapping interface represents a functional interface used to map Java objects to a specific SQL data type and perform the necessary conversions when binding the objects to a PreparedStatement.
Class to convert sql arrays to java arrays or collections and vice versa.
Class that represents a query that will be mapped via a RowMapperRegistry
The BaseResult interface represents the result of an operation.
Class to build a SqlUpdater with a builder pattern
The BatchCall class represents a collection of calls on the same query.
The CalledBatchQuery interface represents a batch query that can perform insert, update, and delete operations on a data source.
Represents a query that can be executed as a singleton call.
A call is a subelement of a Calls.
The calls class represents the calls of the same query.
Configuration stage, which is used to configurate a HikariConfig.
A class that simply delegates all calls to a connection.
Database<T extends JdbcConfig<?>,U extends UpdaterBuilder<T,?>>
Defines a sql type and handles RDBMS specific actions.
Class to check for existence of databases.
This interface represents the configuration for a database connection.
The DatabaseVersionChecks class provides methods for checking the content of the version file.
Class to create a HikariDataSource with a builder pattern.
A class which can provide a datasource
DefaultDatabase<T extends JdbcConfig<?>,U extends UpdaterBuilder<T,?>>
Represents a default database
Thrown when a driver class is not found.
Utilities for database exception handling.
The InsertionBatchResult interface represents the result of a batch insertion operation.
The InsertionResult interface represents the result of an insertion operation.
JdbcConfig<T extends JdbcConfig<?>>
A base builder to create a jdbc url.
A stage which represents a property creator for a data source.
A key value pair used to represent url parameter
A locked connection that can not be used to commit and can not be closed or rolled back.
The ManipulationBatchResult interface represents the result of a batch manipulation operation.
The ManipulationResult interface represents the result of a manipulation operation, such as an insert, update, or delete operation.
The config of a RowMapper.
Annotation used to mark a constructor or method as a RowMapping provider.
Represents a MariaDb database.
A builder to create a MariaDB jdbc url.
Represents different SSL modes.
Types present in a MariaDB database.
Result of a ReaderImpl.allResults() call
Represents a SqLite database.
A builder to create a MySQL jdbc url.
Types present in a MySQL database.
Thrown when a method is called which is not implemented but supported by this type.
Thrown when a method is called which is not supported by this type.
A Parsed query that is ready for execution
Represents a partially configured RowMapper
The PatchChecks class provides methods for checking the presence of patch files for the databases.
Represents a PostgreSQL database.
A builder to create a PostgreSQL jdbc url.
Represents different SSL modes.
Types present in a PostgreSQL database.
Starting point for executing one or more queries.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Exception to wrap Exception as Exception thrown during queries executed by QueryImpl
Represents a replacement inside a sql query.
Interface for retrieving data from a query.
A base builder to create a remote database jdbc url.
The ResourceChecks class provides utility methods for checking the existence of resources.
Base of a result returned by a MappedQuery
Utility class to handle and extract data from ResultSets and ResultSetMetaData
Represents the row of a result set.
Class representing the mapping of a column to an object.
A builder to build a RowMapper.
Class to register RowMapper to map rows to objects.
Record which provides basic data for a database connection with a schema
Record which provides basic data for a database connection
Result of a ReaderImpl.firstResult() call
The SingletonCall class represents a SingletonCall object that contains a single query call representing a specific query.
Represents a SqLite database.
A builder to create a SqLite jdbc url.
Types present in a SqLite database.
Represents a named data type in a database.
An SQL updater which performs database updates via upgrade scripts.
Class representing a version maintained by the SqlUpdaterBuilder
The StandardAdapter class provides a set of static instances of Adapter, which map Java objects to specific SQL data types and provide the necessary conversions when binding the objects to a PreparedStatement.
Default implementations of ValueReader.
The StandardValueConverter class provides a set of predefined ValueConverters for various types.
Splits a string of SQL statements into an array of statements.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Represents a function which can throw an exception.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
Represents a function which can throw an exception.
Represents an exception thrown while the database got updated.
UpdaterBuilder<T extends JdbcConfig<?>,S extends UpdaterBuilder<T,?>>
The UUIDAdapter class provides two Adapter instances for converting UUID objects to different types when binding them to a PreparedStatement.
Convert uuids to bytes and vice versa
A value converter that serves as an AdapterMapping and ValueReader
Definition of a ValueReader to read columns from a Row and parse it to a java type.
Exception to wrap Exception as RuntimeException thrown during queries executed by QueryImpl